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Member Benefits

Why Join?

Any business, large or small, can benefit from Chamber membership. There are four legs of membership benefits: business support, education, networking, and advocacy. The support tools such as the online Business Directory, e-newsletter, Member2Member Discount all work to the member’s benefit, at all times of the day or night, and are relevant to all prospects. It can increase professional development through educational events such as the Sales & Marketing Seminar and Business Growth Series. The networking opportunities provided by the Chamber can develop into strong sales leads and business relationships.  In addition, Chamber membership provides businesses a voice in local, state and federal government through its advocacy efforts.

An independent national study showed that 59 percent of business decision-makers are more likely to do business with a Chamber member than a non-member. That’s because Chamber membership demonstrates civic involvement and support of initiatives that focus on economic development, as well as overall community advancement.

The Chamber’s online Business Directory has the potential to increase traffic to a member business’ website as the public looks to the Chamber as a reference when searching for businesses, services and organizations. Member contact information, link to business website, direct email access, driving directions, and business description are included in basic Chamber membership. Chamber members can also submit press releases and announcements to be included in the Chamber’s e-newsletter and displayed on the Chamber’s website.

Business Support


As a regular service to members, the Chamber often refers members to individuals calling the office for assistance. The Online Business Directory located on our website not only offers contact information for member businesses alphabetically and by category, but it also provides links to member businesses’ websites and maps with easy to find directions.

The Chamber’s website provides both members and visitors an enhanced experience. Chamber members can manage their business profile through the Member Login. From the Member Login, members can keep their business profile up to date on their personalized home page, connect with other members using the Member Forum, share information such as job openings, and add keywords that will help consumers find you when they run searches. Member Login gives members the opportunity to market their business. Visitors to the Chamber’s website have access to a full range of business information including a business locator, job postings, member news and community information and the most comprehensive Business Directory for all of Marion and Grant County. The Chamber’s mobile-friendly website provides quick and easy access to all of these great tools for individuals on-the-go.

The Chamber’s Living Guide and Membership Directory is distributed on a daily basis to members, new businesses and new individuals in the community. This publication is an excellent opportunity for members to promote their business or organization and its products and services to businesses and individuals new and existing throughout Grant County. The primary goals for this publication are to expand member promotion and awareness of our great community.




The Chamber is your connection to the business community. Let the Chamber maximize your grand opening, groundbreaking, expansion, or new location by hosting a ribbon cutting, open house, or Business After Hours. Members can easily connect with their peers over coffee and hot breakfast at Early Birds, or through a round table discussion with the Sales & Marketing Association.

The Annual Dinner brings together the business community for an evening of networking and celebration as the Chamber reflects on the past year’s accomplishments and looks toward the future. The new slate of officers for the board of directors is announced and outgoing board members are recognized for their service. The evening culminates with the unveiling of the much anticipated ATHENA Leadership Award which is presented to an individual who has attainted and embodies the highest level of professional excellence in their business or profession, devotes time and energy to improving the quality of life for others in the community and actively assists women in realizing their full leadership potential.

On the more casual side, there’s no better way to network than during a round of golf.  Whether you are an avid golfer or just play the occasional weekend round, the Chamber’s Annual Golf Outing is truly the business community’s premier golf outing - hosting more than 150 golfers annually.


Ambassadors are an integral part of the Chamber’s success.  The mission of the Chamber Ambassadors is to promote the role of the Marion-Grant County Chamber of Commerce in the community by welcoming new members, encouraging current members to maximize their membership, and aid in maintaining/increasing the retention rate of new and existing members through reinforcing the Chamber benefits. Ambassadors create a positive image for the Chamber by acting as liaisons between members and the Chamber staff.

The Chamber’s Chairman’s Circle is a group of businesses that invest at a higher level and makes it possible for the Chamber to provide programming and services to ensure success for all businesses in the Chamber community. Bi-annual receptions provide a way for Chairman’s Circle members to connect with the Chamber staff and board of directors.


  • Adult Recess
  • Ambassadors
  • Ambassadors Book Club
  • Annual Dinner
  • Annual Golf Outing
  • Business After Hours
  • Chairman’s Circle Reception
  • Early Birds
  • Open Houses
  • Ribbon Cutting/Groundbreaking
  • Sales & Marketing Association
  • The Network (Women's Networking Lunch)


The Chamber of Commerce provides numerous resources for education for its member organizations. The scope of which includes updates on topics ranging from healthcare reform 

to leadership development to Google training and much more. The business education framework is developed based on member industries and their needs for their employees.

The Chamber also hosts a Business Growth Series. Growing a business is not easy. This series helps members to develop a clear vision and provides the necessary tools for members to position their business for growth.   Topics for this series include Search Engine Optimization, succession planning, cybersecurity, sales topics, social media, grant writing, insurance topics, and many more.

Each year the Chamber’s Sales & Marketing Association hosts a one-day seminar meant to help local sales and marketing professionals to grow their professional skill set.  The day is filled with fun networking and learning opportunities. The highlight of the day is the keynote speaker. The keynote speaker is always an engaging and exciting professional who creates a buzz among attendees and sends them back to their workplaces ready to tackle whatever lies ahead.

To keep members up-to-date on the latest employment laws and trends, the Chamber hosts the U.S. Department of Labor each year. The seminar addresses current topics such as Minimum Wage/Overtime, Child Labor, Family Medical Leave Act and Exempt and Non-Exempt.


  • BLOOM Women's Conference
  • Chamber 101
  • Department of Labor Seminar
  • Google Trainings
  • Growth Series
  • Human Resources Trainings
  • Industry Showcase
  • Sales & Marketing Association Seminar


The Chamber connects its members with local, state and federal level elected officials.  From hosting the State of the City Address for the City of Marion to Third House Session(s) to connecting members at receptions with representatives from the United States Congress, the Chamber gives its members the access to the lawmakers in office.  

It is the Chamber’s role to provide forums for members to discuss crucial issues facing our community such as funding for local infrastructure to the effects of property tax caps.  The Chamber also actively advocates on behalf of our public education system in Grant County by meeting with the State of Indiana Superintendent of Education to writing letters of support or opposition for bills in the House and Senate which directly affect our members businesses.

A group of Chamber members collectively monitor the different aspects of local, state and federal government and meet on a regular basis.  This group is the Chamber’s Governmental Affairs Committee. They advise the Chamber’s Board of Directors on different issues to pay attention to for the betterment of Grant County business.  

The Chamber brings state and local government to the business community. The Chamber hosts a State of the City where Marion’s mayor addresses the community’s future. Third House Session(s) and the State Legislative Dinner give members the opportunity to have direct conversations with their Senators and State Representatives on issues that affect their businesses.  Candidate forums provide members the opportunity to learn the platforms of candidates in various local races.

Whether speaking on behalf of the local business community, providing a platform for local businesses to have their voice heard, or guiding them to where they should project their voice, the Chamber is the “voice” for local businesses.


  • Candidate Forums
  • Coffee with the Mayor
  • Governmental Affairs Committee
  • State Legislative Dinner
  • State of the City
  • Third House Session
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