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About the Chamber

The Chamber is a comprehensive group of businesses and organizations dedicated to fostering a healthy and vibrant local economy. To cultivate an environment for business growth and sustainability, the Chamber has pledged to provide business support, networking opportunities, advocacy, educational and peer outreach for the business community. The Chamber with its 350 members representing approximately 11,000 individual employees, is a voice that is well respected within the community.

The Marion-Grant County Chamber of Commerce was founded in 1909. Today, 110 years later, the Chamber is a voluntary membership-driven organization that unites business, government, education, philanthropy, health care, and services, creating a central agency which lends itself to improving business and building a better community.  

It must be understood that the Chamber is people. The Chamber of Commerce offers a place for all who share in the desire to improve the community and the conditions under which business is conducted.  It directs the energies to those who believe that a community worth living in is a community worth improving. The Chamber enables those people to accomplish collectively what no one of them could do individually.

The Chamber provides both a venue and a platform to interact with others in the community to share experiences, information, and practical applications to help further business and organization growth. In recent years, Grant County has shown itself to be a shining example of how collaborative efforts and innovative thoughts can benefit the greater good. There is no better example of that effort than the foundation of community discussion and interaction found within the Marion-Grant County Chamber of Commerce.

The Chamber continues to serve as a key facilitator - bringing government, education, business, industry, not-for-profit, and community service organizations together in meaningful and productive ways.

Chamber leadership is made up of committed individuals from different sectors of industry, who understand the complexity of issues that face modern businesses in the 21st century. Chamber staff is comprised of professional individuals with a diverse background of skills that relish in any opportunity to better understand the challenges and needs of a member’s specific business or organization. They are committed to serving all members in a manner that adds value to their membership and bringing useful resources and organizational support to the operation.


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