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Uncertain Times Will Come to an End

Whew.  Take a deep breath.

We are living in a completely different world than the one we inhabited when the last issue of the Business Herald was released in January.  Heck, things are drastically different than they were even a month ago.  I’m not sure about you, but to me, it feels like we’ve spent the last few weeks simply reacting.  Let’s take a deep breath.  Inhale. 1. 2. 3. 4. Exhale. 1. 2. 3. 4.  Repeat.  For as many times as you need.

First, I want to send a huge thank you to those essential businesses and employees that continue to serve our community – healthcare, law enforcement, first responders, grocery stores, manufacturing, distribution centers, bankers, and so many more. We are grateful for your dedication and sacrifice.

Yes, these are indescribably difficult times for our entire world.  We are facing unforeseen challenges that will change the landscape of our communities for years to come.  At this point there are many more questions than answers.  But I don’t know about you, I have been incredibly inspired by the stories I’ve heard of businesses stepping up to serve their employees and their community.  At the end of the day we are one community – Grant County – and we will be stronger for the love and support we show each other during these tests.

The uncertainty we are facing right now will end.  Hopefully sooner rather than later. But we will come out on the other side of this and it will be you – our business community – that will play an essential role in that recovery.  You will provide the jobs, products, and services that will help our community return to a sense of normalcy.

Here at the Chamber, we are diligently working every day to support you through this unknown.  We have created a business resource page that we are updating multiple times per day.  We are working hard to create content, webinars, and opportunities that will prove valuable for your business as we pivot towards recovery.  If we haven’t spoken to you directly yet, you should expect a phone call or email from our team in the coming days as we assess your specific needs and work together to create solutions.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to Rhonda, Brittany, or I.  We are here to serve you.  And remember, we are stronger together.

Be safe, wash your hands, and take care of each other!


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